Monday, November 21, 2011

Thanksgiving Traditions

Some of the Thanksgiving traditions my family has are eating Thanksgiving dinner and eating breakfast the day after Thanksgiving with my family. My grandmother does most of the cooking, and she starts at about lunchtime. some of the things she cooks are green beans, macaroni and cheese, turkey, stuffing, and cranberry sauce. the best part is the macaroni and cheese because it is the creamiest macaroni I ever eat. For breakfast the day after Thanksgiving my grandfather and grandmother usually cook up a big breakfast, but this year we are going to a restaurant. We are going to Cracker Barrel, which is one of my favorite restaurants.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Career Day

Today was Career Day at  DCA. The four sessions I chose were Business, Medicine, Engineering, and Law. I learned that  it takes much more education to be a doctor or lawyer than an engineer or businessman. I enjoyed the Business session the most because I like math and working with numbers,  and it doesn't requrie extra years of education like doctors and lawyers have to have. Most of the careers require a 4-year college, and that is what I plan on going to after I graduate from high school. My dad graduated from UTK (University of Tennessee Knoxville) with a major in Business, I want to do  what he did because he is one of the role models in my life.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Julius Caesar English Project: Brutus

This past week, I drew a portrait of Brutus from the play Julius Caesar for a project in English class. First, I traced a protrait of him from the internet. Then, I pressed down really hard on the paper to put an impression of the face on a poster. After that, I drew the face with a pencil and started to color it. I used oil pastels to color my portrait of Brutus because I like to use them when coloring pictures. It took a couple of hours trying to get the right mixture of colors to get the perfect color for his skin and hair. While doing this project, I learned that Brutus was a very noble man for killing himself instead of being captured by Mark Antony.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

The Refining Process of a Christian

This week is Spiritual Emphasis Week here at DCA. We have had a great speaker this week. Two days ago, he talked about how God 'sat down' as a gold and silver refiner. He thought it was strange that God sat down. He researched the steps of the refining process, and told them to us. I think he has been great so far because he told us that in the refining process, we are suppose to let the bad stuff in our lives boil up, and then scrape it off the top to get purer. Then, we repeat the process to boil up more bad stuff to scrape it off and become more pure through God.