Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Can Pride be Harmful?

Pride can be a good and bad characteristic to have as a person. In the play, Julius Caesar, Caesar's pride gets him into some trouble. An example of this is when he ignores the soothsayer when he tells him to "Beware the Ides of March". Caesar says to the soothsayer that nothing fears him, for he is the great Caesar.The Ides of March was when he was assassinated. In today's times, pride can get the better of you in many ways. When people have a lot of money, they can become confined to themselves, or they could let everybody know that they have a lot of money. Another word for having a lot of pride is being boastful. Boastfulness can make people think of you to be a snob, or just a really rude person. People need to be less prideful, and more considerate of others.