Monday, September 19, 2011

Honors Biology Topic 8

1. Kenya Leopard: Kenya Leopards are a medium-sized cat that grow to be about six feet long. These cats are able to adapt to almost any habitat but prefer rocky surroundings or areas around water. The Kenya Leopard is going extinct because of humans hunting them.

2. Puerto Rican Boa:The Puerto Rican Boa is a snake that can grow to be about 6 feet long. The snake is found in Puerto Rico and lives in moist, dark, and damp rain forests for a habitat. It is going extinct because of humans hunting them, although it is illegal to do so.

3. Columbian White Tailed Deer:The Columbian White Tailed Deer is a large type of deer that can be found at the lower parts of the Columbian River. These deer serve as a food source for many creatures, but their main predator is humans. Humans frequently hunt this deer.

4. Hawaiian Munk Seal:The Hawaiian Munk Seal is found in the uninhabited, northeaster islands of Hawaii. There are only about 1,200 of this species left, due to a great loss of the species many years ago. The population of this species is still declining because of a lack of food source, getting caught in fishing nets, and humans.

5. Red Wolf:The Red Wolf is the most endangered species in the world. Its population is only 200. The Red Wolf's habitat is a forest or any agricultural area. Due to deforestation, humans are causing the Red Wolf to go extinct. 

All of these endangered species are really important to our earth because they all play important roles in their environments. We should be taking action to help protect these animals. It is very important that these animals do not become extinct, and we should all do our part to try and help save them.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Honors Biology Topic 6

One thing that we could do is to limit the number of babies people have in the world so that there will still be enough to replenish the dead people, but not too many to exceed the number of dead people. Another option would be to inform people about the seriousness of overpopulation so that we can learn about what could possibly happen in the future. Finally, we could try to decrease poverty levels. An effect overpopulation would have on the Earth would be that there would be a massive population decrease. Another is that there would be a lack of space for living and growing food, which would cause people to fight each other for survival.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Big Shots and Little Squirts

I agree to the statement "the world is made up of two classes-- the hunters and the huntees" because there are big shots in the world that prey on the little workers that barely make a living. They take advantage of them by using them to do their dirty work and stuff like that.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Honors Biology Topic 7

I think that North America has too much food, and we should share with other continents like Asia and Africa. I was very surprised at the populations because i didn't realize how many people were actually in Asia compared to Latin America. Yes, i was very surprised. I think Asia surprised me the most because of the large population and the very little amount of food. Now I know North Americans have tons of food and a small population, and Africa and Asia ha lots of people but little food.