Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Honors Biology Topic 4

In my lab report, I think that we may not have put enough water in the paper towels to soak the peas in over the days. In my next lab report, I think I should put the headings at the beginning of each of the sections of information, and I would do everything that is required. I kinda looked at the rubric, but I didn't really pay close attention to all the stuff that was required. I now have a better understanding of what to do next time we have a lab report in this class.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Honors Biology Topic 3

I think that it depends on where the different biomes are at in the world. If the biome is in a dry climate, then it is a desert. If the biome is a place where it is very rainy, then it is a rainforrest climate. In my opinion, it all depends on the climate.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Goals for This School Year

This school year, I would like to be one of the  distinguished scholars (getting all A's), and to do that  i want to turn in all my homework when it is due. Another thing I would like to  do is to become friends with some of the newer students here at DCA. To do that, i am going to be as nice as I can to people. I also want to become more closer to God this year.
Wordle: Untitled

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Honors Biology Topic 2

I think the the 12 hour water-soaked peas will germinate the most because today, it was the group of peas with the most germinated peas so far. I think the 12 hour water-soaked peas will also be the fastest to germinate, too because it got the right amount of water while they soaked in the water.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Honors Biology Topic 1

I would have to say my dad is the most influential person in my life because he encourages me w\hen i need it, and he is always there for me.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

A Symbol for The Pearl

Throughout the book, The Pearl, Kino refers to hearing songs in his head. He hears songs that are happy, sad, and songs that are angry. I think that the songs symbolize Kino's emotions, because when he and Juana and Coyotito are trying to get to the city in the North, they are hiding in a cave, and the trackers had set up a camp close to where they were hiding out. One of the trackers hears Coyotito whine, and he shoots his gun in the direction of the sound. The shot killed Coyotito, and Kino started to hear the Song of Anger, or something like that.

A Symbol for The Giver

In The Giver, Gabriel is a baby that Jonas's father is nurturing at the Nurturing Center. Gabe is a slow developing baby at the Center, and his Jonas's father was given permission to take him home to care for him. Lily notices that he has the same color eyes as Jonas. Later on in the book, Jonas was selected to be the next Receiver of memory. He and the current Receiver both have light colored eyes. In the end of the book, Jonas gives memories to Gabe, and I think that the people with the light colored eyes were meant to be the Receivers of Memory.

Friday, August 12, 2011

A Symbol for The Outsiders

In The Outsiders, Two-Bit Matthews has a switchblade knife that he stole from a little thrift shop. I think that it symbolizes his pride because he waited a long time to see the actions of the clerk at the counter, and for the right time to steal it. The knife is just about the only real possession that he has, so it is very near and dear to him.