Monday, December 5, 2011

Political Leaders Can Be Pigs

The novel Animal Farm is an allegory of the Russian Revolution in 1917. An allegory is a story in which characters or events are symbols expressing truths about human life. Animal Farm is an allegory because many of the characters portray an important person during the Revolution. I believe that the most effective element in this allegory is its characters (mainly the pigs). The pigs were the leaders during the time of the Rebellion and after the Rebellion. They showed their power by ordering the other animals to work, and they also  got special privileges that some other animals didn't get. Some things that the pigs did get that the others didn't were extra food rations, they didn't have to do manual labor, and they got to learn how to read and write. The other animals could learn to read and write, but they didn't have much time to because they were working such long hours in the fields. The pigs would change the original Seven Commandments to suit their own needs, and the animals just let it happen because they couldn't read what they wrote anyways. This element of this particular allegory is the most effective because the leaders during the  Russian Revolution used their power for their needs, and not the needs of the people.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Thanksgiving Traditions

Some of the Thanksgiving traditions my family has are eating Thanksgiving dinner and eating breakfast the day after Thanksgiving with my family. My grandmother does most of the cooking, and she starts at about lunchtime. some of the things she cooks are green beans, macaroni and cheese, turkey, stuffing, and cranberry sauce. the best part is the macaroni and cheese because it is the creamiest macaroni I ever eat. For breakfast the day after Thanksgiving my grandfather and grandmother usually cook up a big breakfast, but this year we are going to a restaurant. We are going to Cracker Barrel, which is one of my favorite restaurants.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Career Day

Today was Career Day at  DCA. The four sessions I chose were Business, Medicine, Engineering, and Law. I learned that  it takes much more education to be a doctor or lawyer than an engineer or businessman. I enjoyed the Business session the most because I like math and working with numbers,  and it doesn't requrie extra years of education like doctors and lawyers have to have. Most of the careers require a 4-year college, and that is what I plan on going to after I graduate from high school. My dad graduated from UTK (University of Tennessee Knoxville) with a major in Business, I want to do  what he did because he is one of the role models in my life.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Julius Caesar English Project: Brutus

This past week, I drew a portrait of Brutus from the play Julius Caesar for a project in English class. First, I traced a protrait of him from the internet. Then, I pressed down really hard on the paper to put an impression of the face on a poster. After that, I drew the face with a pencil and started to color it. I used oil pastels to color my portrait of Brutus because I like to use them when coloring pictures. It took a couple of hours trying to get the right mixture of colors to get the perfect color for his skin and hair. While doing this project, I learned that Brutus was a very noble man for killing himself instead of being captured by Mark Antony.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

The Refining Process of a Christian

This week is Spiritual Emphasis Week here at DCA. We have had a great speaker this week. Two days ago, he talked about how God 'sat down' as a gold and silver refiner. He thought it was strange that God sat down. He researched the steps of the refining process, and told them to us. I think he has been great so far because he told us that in the refining process, we are suppose to let the bad stuff in our lives boil up, and then scrape it off the top to get purer. Then, we repeat the process to boil up more bad stuff to scrape it off and become more pure through God.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Can Pride be Harmful?

Pride can be a good and bad characteristic to have as a person. In the play, Julius Caesar, Caesar's pride gets him into some trouble. An example of this is when he ignores the soothsayer when he tells him to "Beware the Ides of March". Caesar says to the soothsayer that nothing fears him, for he is the great Caesar.The Ides of March was when he was assassinated. In today's times, pride can get the better of you in many ways. When people have a lot of money, they can become confined to themselves, or they could let everybody know that they have a lot of money. Another word for having a lot of pride is being boastful. Boastfulness can make people think of you to be a snob, or just a really rude person. People need to be less prideful, and more considerate of others.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Honors Biology Topic 8

1. Kenya Leopard: Kenya Leopards are a medium-sized cat that grow to be about six feet long. These cats are able to adapt to almost any habitat but prefer rocky surroundings or areas around water. The Kenya Leopard is going extinct because of humans hunting them.

2. Puerto Rican Boa:The Puerto Rican Boa is a snake that can grow to be about 6 feet long. The snake is found in Puerto Rico and lives in moist, dark, and damp rain forests for a habitat. It is going extinct because of humans hunting them, although it is illegal to do so.

3. Columbian White Tailed Deer:The Columbian White Tailed Deer is a large type of deer that can be found at the lower parts of the Columbian River. These deer serve as a food source for many creatures, but their main predator is humans. Humans frequently hunt this deer.

4. Hawaiian Munk Seal:The Hawaiian Munk Seal is found in the uninhabited, northeaster islands of Hawaii. There are only about 1,200 of this species left, due to a great loss of the species many years ago. The population of this species is still declining because of a lack of food source, getting caught in fishing nets, and humans.

5. Red Wolf:The Red Wolf is the most endangered species in the world. Its population is only 200. The Red Wolf's habitat is a forest or any agricultural area. Due to deforestation, humans are causing the Red Wolf to go extinct. 

All of these endangered species are really important to our earth because they all play important roles in their environments. We should be taking action to help protect these animals. It is very important that these animals do not become extinct, and we should all do our part to try and help save them.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Honors Biology Topic 6

One thing that we could do is to limit the number of babies people have in the world so that there will still be enough to replenish the dead people, but not too many to exceed the number of dead people. Another option would be to inform people about the seriousness of overpopulation so that we can learn about what could possibly happen in the future. Finally, we could try to decrease poverty levels. An effect overpopulation would have on the Earth would be that there would be a massive population decrease. Another is that there would be a lack of space for living and growing food, which would cause people to fight each other for survival.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Big Shots and Little Squirts

I agree to the statement "the world is made up of two classes-- the hunters and the huntees" because there are big shots in the world that prey on the little workers that barely make a living. They take advantage of them by using them to do their dirty work and stuff like that.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Honors Biology Topic 7

I think that North America has too much food, and we should share with other continents like Asia and Africa. I was very surprised at the populations because i didn't realize how many people were actually in Asia compared to Latin America. Yes, i was very surprised. I think Asia surprised me the most because of the large population and the very little amount of food. Now I know North Americans have tons of food and a small population, and Africa and Asia ha lots of people but little food.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Honors Biology Topic 4

In my lab report, I think that we may not have put enough water in the paper towels to soak the peas in over the days. In my next lab report, I think I should put the headings at the beginning of each of the sections of information, and I would do everything that is required. I kinda looked at the rubric, but I didn't really pay close attention to all the stuff that was required. I now have a better understanding of what to do next time we have a lab report in this class.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Honors Biology Topic 3

I think that it depends on where the different biomes are at in the world. If the biome is in a dry climate, then it is a desert. If the biome is a place where it is very rainy, then it is a rainforrest climate. In my opinion, it all depends on the climate.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Goals for This School Year

This school year, I would like to be one of the  distinguished scholars (getting all A's), and to do that  i want to turn in all my homework when it is due. Another thing I would like to  do is to become friends with some of the newer students here at DCA. To do that, i am going to be as nice as I can to people. I also want to become more closer to God this year.
Wordle: Untitled

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Honors Biology Topic 2

I think the the 12 hour water-soaked peas will germinate the most because today, it was the group of peas with the most germinated peas so far. I think the 12 hour water-soaked peas will also be the fastest to germinate, too because it got the right amount of water while they soaked in the water.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Honors Biology Topic 1

I would have to say my dad is the most influential person in my life because he encourages me w\hen i need it, and he is always there for me.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

A Symbol for The Pearl

Throughout the book, The Pearl, Kino refers to hearing songs in his head. He hears songs that are happy, sad, and songs that are angry. I think that the songs symbolize Kino's emotions, because when he and Juana and Coyotito are trying to get to the city in the North, they are hiding in a cave, and the trackers had set up a camp close to where they were hiding out. One of the trackers hears Coyotito whine, and he shoots his gun in the direction of the sound. The shot killed Coyotito, and Kino started to hear the Song of Anger, or something like that.

A Symbol for The Giver

In The Giver, Gabriel is a baby that Jonas's father is nurturing at the Nurturing Center. Gabe is a slow developing baby at the Center, and his Jonas's father was given permission to take him home to care for him. Lily notices that he has the same color eyes as Jonas. Later on in the book, Jonas was selected to be the next Receiver of memory. He and the current Receiver both have light colored eyes. In the end of the book, Jonas gives memories to Gabe, and I think that the people with the light colored eyes were meant to be the Receivers of Memory.

Friday, August 12, 2011

A Symbol for The Outsiders

In The Outsiders, Two-Bit Matthews has a switchblade knife that he stole from a little thrift shop. I think that it symbolizes his pride because he waited a long time to see the actions of the clerk at the counter, and for the right time to steal it. The knife is just about the only real possession that he has, so it is very near and dear to him.