Thursday, May 3, 2012

Freshman Year Overview

One of the best memories about freshman year was all of the new friendships I have made over this year. Some of these friendships include upperclassmen aw well as my classmates. The most important thing that I have learned over this year is probably not asking someone to send you their homework because they might have plagiarized it. Some advice I would give to underclassmen about being a freshman is do your own work, turn in all your homework on time, and be a leader to others.  

Monday, February 27, 2012

People of the South: Poor Rednecks or Wealthy Landowners?

The Autobiography of Miss Jane Pittman is a fictional novel written by Ernest Gaines. This novel tells of the life of Miss Jane Pittman through her eyes. Jane was an ex-slave, and the novel mainly tells about her journey to get to Ohio. There are many stereotypes in this novel about many kinds of people. One example is that a lot of people from the South are rednecks and poor. This stereotype is proved false because there were many wealthy plantation owners in the South during the post Civil War era. although there were many wealthy landowners, there were also many poor and uneducated people too. This is the main reason for  the stereotype because that's the main thing that people look at when they think of the South.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Why You Should Watch Hawaii Five-0

Hawaii Five-0 is a re-make of the earlier TV  series  from the 1960s to the 1980s. This season, one of the main people in the show is Steve McGarrett, and his father was killed many years ago while working on an important case. Between cases, McGarrett is working on catching his Father's killer. I think you should watch this show because it is one of the best modern crime shows on television. It also adds humor to when Danny and Steve don't get along. Another reason you should watch this show is that Steve gets angry with some people, and he shows it by tying them to his car and driving really fast, holding them against the walls of the interrogation room, etc. I encourage you to watch Hawaii Five-0 at least once.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Political Leaders Can Be Pigs

The novel Animal Farm is an allegory of the Russian Revolution in 1917. An allegory is a story in which characters or events are symbols expressing truths about human life. Animal Farm is an allegory because many of the characters portray an important person during the Revolution. I believe that the most effective element in this allegory is its characters (mainly the pigs). The pigs were the leaders during the time of the Rebellion and after the Rebellion. They showed their power by ordering the other animals to work, and they also  got special privileges that some other animals didn't get. Some things that the pigs did get that the others didn't were extra food rations, they didn't have to do manual labor, and they got to learn how to read and write. The other animals could learn to read and write, but they didn't have much time to because they were working such long hours in the fields. The pigs would change the original Seven Commandments to suit their own needs, and the animals just let it happen because they couldn't read what they wrote anyways. This element of this particular allegory is the most effective because the leaders during the  Russian Revolution used their power for their needs, and not the needs of the people.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Thanksgiving Traditions

Some of the Thanksgiving traditions my family has are eating Thanksgiving dinner and eating breakfast the day after Thanksgiving with my family. My grandmother does most of the cooking, and she starts at about lunchtime. some of the things she cooks are green beans, macaroni and cheese, turkey, stuffing, and cranberry sauce. the best part is the macaroni and cheese because it is the creamiest macaroni I ever eat. For breakfast the day after Thanksgiving my grandfather and grandmother usually cook up a big breakfast, but this year we are going to a restaurant. We are going to Cracker Barrel, which is one of my favorite restaurants.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Career Day

Today was Career Day at  DCA. The four sessions I chose were Business, Medicine, Engineering, and Law. I learned that  it takes much more education to be a doctor or lawyer than an engineer or businessman. I enjoyed the Business session the most because I like math and working with numbers,  and it doesn't requrie extra years of education like doctors and lawyers have to have. Most of the careers require a 4-year college, and that is what I plan on going to after I graduate from high school. My dad graduated from UTK (University of Tennessee Knoxville) with a major in Business, I want to do  what he did because he is one of the role models in my life.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Julius Caesar English Project: Brutus

This past week, I drew a portrait of Brutus from the play Julius Caesar for a project in English class. First, I traced a protrait of him from the internet. Then, I pressed down really hard on the paper to put an impression of the face on a poster. After that, I drew the face with a pencil and started to color it. I used oil pastels to color my portrait of Brutus because I like to use them when coloring pictures. It took a couple of hours trying to get the right mixture of colors to get the perfect color for his skin and hair. While doing this project, I learned that Brutus was a very noble man for killing himself instead of being captured by Mark Antony.